Hey there 👋
As the use of Large Latent Models like GPT continues to grow across industries, its value to business is now blatant. What companies extracting maximum value from Artificial Intelligence (AI) have in common is a coherent plan, strategy, and the right technology approach and stack.
Composable Architectures advises executives and tech leaders and founders on the right architecture for their goals. It enables them to assess beforehand the complexities of their initiative, the requirements, the constraints and necessary trade-offs to de-risk their project.
We are a team of business and technology people with a wealth of experience spanning 18 years and 9 countries for global brands, assisting organisations to make sound choices in SaaS, cloud and data cloud technologies, micro-services, back-to-monolith redesign, big data, real-time analytics, and AI operationalisation.
We regularly open coaching programmes in technology strategies, including money matters, for the build and run of business software. We do 1-to-1 consultations for clients with ambitious projects whatever their size as we see technology as a great equaliser between players.